viernes, 14 de marzo de 2008

Changing Schools

Today, I woke up normally and went to school, there was this annoying science project that I had to do, but I just let my group to do it, while I bothered around on my psp, which after got stolen by my teacher, it seems that she is quite a gamer too because she didn't give it back 'til the end of the day...obssesed much?

Anyway, turns out the school was moving places today, just 2 blocks away from where it was.
Its a pretty nice school, but the classroom my division had really sucked ass, the windows didnt even open.

Some dudes were practicing Capoeira or something at lunch and it looked fucking awesome,
this dude got his ass kicked, and there I met some guy called..Roberto or something, anyway the dude has a really funny face, and hes pretty funny himself.

When school was over I was at the bus stop, when the dude with the funny face just nods to me and breaks up in conversation..I take this cooly but the dude just keeps on Im like..ok there..awesome..ok..

Anyway turns out he takes the same bus as me and I feel something like..if hes gay or whatever..
We sit a seat apart I talk to him to not give it that much awkwardness, but then. HE KEEPS ON TALKING.

So Im like..this dude is a homosexual.
There was this awesome yet awkward silence..and the only thing you heard was the crappy bus that I was on..

A hot chick gets on the bus..she studies at my school, I pretend to ignore her first but when she sat down, I sat down beside her..forgetting my friend that was beside me.

Anyway I say:
Hey, don't you study in my school?
She Says:Yeahhh I think so..Is it Winderemere?
Me:Yeahh awesome I saw you yesterday.
She Says: Yeahhh nice.

I get her phone number but I still dont find something nice to talk about, turns out that I get off 8 fucking blocks earlier than my house just too stop the awkwardness of 2 people I know practically ditched in conversation.

The other thing is when we moved schools we had to CARRY OUT FUCKING DESKS to the other school.
Which was really embarassing since theres lots of people in the place my school is located.
A friend of mine, passes by and looks at me.
He smiles and I pretend to ignore him. Hes with his girlfriend which makes it even more embarassing.

I get to my house as usual to find that my dog just shitted on the chair.
Which ruined my day.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

wow you had to carry your own desks?
lmfao embarassing man, and i do hope that other dude doesnt turn out being a homosexual lol

Anónimo dijo...

wow...and like zomg, carrying ur own desks???
tht must be a very crappy school.